The Brazilian State Paths and Prospects of Dirigisme and Liberalization

The Brazilian State Paths and Prospects of Dirigisme and Liberalization

November 9 – 10, 2009
Room: 9204 & 9206
The Graduate Center, CUNY

This two-day colloquium explores the changing roles, relations with society, and overall impact of the contemporary Brazilian state. It probes the relationship between reform processes, institutional development, policy effectiveness, and economic impact since the 1930s. The colloquium reexamines the centralizing legacies of the Vargas Era (1930-1945) through the military regime (1964-1985) in the light of recent research and debate. A second theme focuses on liberalizing and other reforms since the early 1990s. Lastly, the colloquium carefully probes trends since 2006, including responses to the global economic crisis of 2008, with particular attention to the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization and global competitiveness.

The colloquium engages Brazil specialists at CUNY and other institutions. Ken Erickson revisits Brazilian corporatism, an area where he made a very influential and important contribution. Mauricio Font focuses on the legacy of the Vargas era. Desmond Arias concentrates on the state’s ability to respond to crisis in the area of public security. John Collins analyzes the rise of culture as state policy. Some of the papers dwell on specific policy areas and the state’s performance in meeting desirable goals. The organizers invite scholars and specialists to send ideas and paper proposals.

This colloquium aims at the publication of a book. If you would like to participate with a paper presentation, please send a one page paper proposal to no later than Friday, July 17. See links above for paper guidelines and registration.

Organizing Committee
Desmond Arias, John Jay College and The Graduate Center
Amy Chazkel, Queens College and The Graduate Center
John Collins, Queens College and The Graduate Center
Kenneth Erickson, Hunter College and The Graduate Center
Mauricio Font, Bildner Center and The Graduate Center